Friends and Supporters,
The campaign to save the Old Spotted Dog is at a cross-roads.
We understand that the site has been sold to new owners of whose intentions we know not, but fear for the worst.
Coincidentally, the core historic building has been subject to two serious acts of vandalism to the old entrances to the Inn.
Our friends at LBN (the local Authority) were quick to arrange for the damage to be shored up, but the message is loud: We need to make progress and a leisurely speed is no longer an option!
In the summer we secured a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund of £10k to finance an “Options Appraisal” study on the viability of our vision for a restored and revived Spotted Dog site. Without this study there is no way forward and we would then have no choice but to surrender the pub and site to predatory speculative abuse and lose forever a landmark piece of community heritage.
Subsequently, our colleagues at the Prince’s Regeneration Trust advised us that we could not secure the necessary architectural input to the study within that budget. We have been exploring additional funding sources, but so far without success.
So, albeit reluctantly, we resolved to launch this appeal to our friends and supporters to donate £20 (colloquially “a score”) to move forward and commission the study. Obviously, if you can afford more – or less – we will all be enormously grateful for your help.
Donations can be made securely at this website (you don’t need a Paypal account to do so).
Thanks – together we can still win!
The Spotted Dog Trust
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