The 2015 Save the Spotted Dog Annual Benefit attracted a full house to the Red House (also a listed building almost opposite the Inn site) for a scare free Friday 13th event. So a big THANK YOU to the musicians who so generously gave their talents and time for free, to Eddie and the RH Committee for free and, as ever, welcoming use of the club, and of course everyone who attended and magnanimously supported the raffle and auction and gave such a warm reception to the artistes performing (not forgetting, of course, the generosity of the donors to the auction).
And a special BIG THANX to our new Trustee (a long standing friend, supporter and chief Dog archivist) Chris Tymkow for shouldering the main burden of organising the event.
Anyone from HMRC please avert your eyes now — over £800 was raised for the cause!
Meanwhile, ownership of the Dog site has recently changed hands, and we are urgently seeking a meeting with the new owners to establish their intentions. Please keep in touch as a new chapter unfolds….
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