Britain’s pubs are still being shuttered – and regularly shattered – at an alarming rate. The good(ish) news from our friends at CAMRA is that the…

The Save the Spotted Dog website is currently being bombed by bogus registrations. We suspect the culprit is a male, adolescent, merchant banker (for our…

On Easter Monday 1843, at ten o’clock in the morning, as fine holiday weather brought thousands out to the fairs at Stepney and Greenwich and…

At the end of last year (2015) members of the Old Spotted Dog Trust met with the lead Director of the company that now owns…

In April 1844 Mr William Homer returned from business in the City, met with his solicitor in Stratford (the reasons why we do not know)…

The 2015 Save the Spotted Dog Annual Benefit attracted a full house to the Red House (also a listed building almost opposite the Inn site)…

A GRAND AFFAIR Our Spotted Dog Appeal raised a brilliant £1,000 for the cause! Special thanks to Andrew L, Joyce Q, Jane L, Karen W,…

A SCORE TO WIN ! Friends and Supporters, The campaign to save the Old Spotted Dog is at a cross-roads. We understand that the site…

When was the last time you saw a major national newspaper run a piece on a non-League football club? Well, possibly Friday September 15 2015,…

Save the Old Spotted Dog got out in the sunshine, blinking under the blue sky of July 2015’s Forest Gate Festival – meeting old friends,…