Great news about the future of the Old Spotted Dog. The campaign to save the Spotted Dog has at last been successful with the decision…
Highpride Properties are happy to confirm that their planning application to refurbish and reopen the Spotted Dog and to build the associated extension with additional…
We’ve received some proposed ground floor plans for the upcoming restoration of The Old Spotted Dog. We’re looking forward to these being put forward to…
London Borough of Newham has recently held a public consultation on designating the area immediately surrounding the Old Spotted Dog a “Conservation Area”. If agreed,…
OK folks – here’s the plan. We are forming a charitable trust to acquire the Old Spotted Dog. Then – using all our powers of…
On Monday 10th December, a group from the campaign visited The Spotted Dog, accompanied by Lyn Brown MP, who is a determined campaigner on our…
We are delighted to announce that Lyn Brown MP, who has been a loyal and active supporter of this campaign, will accompany a party from…
We have just received this note. It seemed important enough to post in full immediately. “I am relieved to find a group such as yours…